Love the feeling of spaciousness?
If you love nature and the feeling of spaciousness in art, then dive in here!
Nature is very important in my life and therefore also in my work. Being outside I gather images of nature in my head, pictures and memories of places which bring inspiration. Back in my studio I use these impressions for my paintings. I want them to give your eyes something to search for. To give you the freedom to recognize or interpret the scenery. In my landscapes everybody can live or wander around. I hope you can walk with me!

Spaciousness, openness,
places to wander around

Hidden Faces
People are like landscapes, beautiful but mysteriously layered

Still lifes
Even your kitchen cupboard
contains gems
specialized in
Semi-abstract paintings
Painting and drawing are both elements that are merged in my work. Besides acrylic paint, I use pencils, pastels and oil bars. In a time-intensive approach, I paint, scratch, draw, and repaint again until the desired balance is achieved. My paintings often contain ‘white’ tones that, if you look closer, reveal underlying colors that add depth to the work. This method of working gives me an endless amount of artistic freedom
Bea Evers
Studio De Grote Lier
Koningslaan 7
6584BZ Molenhoek
The Netherlands

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